
Netflix Open Connect

Netflix Open Connect is the custom-built Content Delivery Network (CDN) responsible for delivering Netflix’s streaming content to millions of viewers worldwide. This document explains Open Connect’s place within the overall system design of Netflix and its importance.

Place in Netflix’s Overall System Design

Interface with Content Origin Servers

Open Connect interfaces with Netflix’s content origin servers, transferring content to Open Connect Appliances (OCAs) for caching and delivery to end-users.

Edge Caching & Delivery

Representing the edge of Netflix’s network, OCAs are strategically located within ISP data centers or Internet Exchange Points (IXPs), minimizing latency.

Adaptive Streaming Support

Open Connect supports adaptive streaming, dynamically adjusting content’s bitrate based on user’s network conditions.

Integration with Recommendation Engine

Content popularity metrics gathered by Open Connect feed into Netflix’s recommendation engine, informing content suggestions.

Global Network of Appliances & Peering

Open Connect spans a global network of OCAs and peering relationships, connecting users worldwide.

Significance of Open Connect

Low Latency & High Bandwidth

Ensures minimal physical distance for data travel, reducing latency and providing high-quality streaming bandwidth.


Custom-designed for Netflix’s massive user base, offering scalable support for new content and viewers.


Reduces data transit costs through strategic placement of appliances.

Optimized User Experience

Provides immediate access to content with minimal buffering and high quality, irrespective of location.

Reliability & Availability

Distributed design and careful OCA placement ensure system resilience to failures.

Control & Customization

Unparalleled control and flexibility, allowing specific tailoring to Netflix’s unique requirements and continuous optimization.